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B2B Payment Best Practices: Navigating Net Terms and Payment Methods

Written by Meredith Teplin | 12/12/23 3:00 PM

In the competitive world of B2B commerce, offering a variety of payment options is crucial for building strong partnerships with retailers. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of different payment methods and net term offerings is essential for making informed decisions that benefit both sellers and retailers.

MarketTime helps wholesalers navigate the B2B payments landscape with an integrated payments solution, mtCharge. mtCharge provides the most powerful and flexible payment processing options in the industry, competitive charging rates, and NO tokenization fees or monthly costs.

Understanding Payment Types and Their Advantages

Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments are a popular choice for B2B transactions due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. ACH payments are typically processed faster than traditional paper checks, reducing the time and effort required for payment processing. Additionally, ACH transactions are generally less expensive than other payment methods, such as credit card processing. mtCharge processes ACH transactions starting at only 1.0%.

Credit cards offer the advantage of immediate payment, ensuring a consistent flow of cash for wholesalers. This is particularly beneficial for manufacturers requiring upfront capital for production or operational costs. Credit card payments are also straightforward, reducing the complexity of payment processing for wholesalers. Retailers often appreciate the ability to use a credit card, both to earn rewards points and benefit from the buy now, pay later nature of credit cards. mtCharge offers wholesalers competitive rates for credit card processing and built-in features offering convenience and security on credit card transactions.

Net terms, such as Net 30 or Net 60, provide retailers with the flexibility to defer payments and sell through products in their stores before having to pay for the products. This can be advantageous for retailers in managing their cash flow. Offering net terms can also help wholesalers increase sales volume, as retailers may be more inclined to place larger orders when they have the flexibility to pay on credit.

Balancing Payment Flexibility and Financial Costs

While offering net terms can provide benefits for both wholesalers and retailers, wholesalers need to consider the potential financial costs involved. Extending net terms essentially means providing an interest-free loan to retailers. The longer the net terms period, the greater the opportunity cost of tying up working capital.

To estimate the real cost of net terms, wholesalers should calculate what they could have earned if the outstanding invoice amount had been invested elsewhere. In addition, offering net terms adds administrative costs, as wholesalers must track and manage collections.  Failure to tightly manage net terms can lead to unpaid invoices and bad debt write-offs.  Consideration of these costs should factor into the decision to extend net terms and should also be considered when setting payment terms for each customer.

Selecting the Ideal Payment Methods

The key to selecting the right payment methods lies in understanding your customers and their preferences. Here are some strategies for offering the ideal mix of payment methods:

  • Know your customer base: Different customers have varying preferences and capabilities when it comes to payment methods.
  • Segment your customers: Categorize your customers based on their payment history, order volume, and financial stability. Tailor payment methods and terms to suit the specific needs of each segment.
  • Offer a variety of options: A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works for B2B payments. Provide flexibility by offering ACH and credit card payment options to cater to different customer preferences.

Optimizing Cash Flow and Customer Satisfaction

By thoughtfully considering these different factors, wholesalers can optimize their payment mix, improve cash flow, and enhance customer satisfaction. Offering a variety of payment options, understanding the real cost of net terms, and selecting the right payment methods for each customer segment are key to navigating the complex landscape of B2B payments.

mtCharge is the most powerful and flexible payment processing solution in the industry. To learn more about how mtCharge can save your business time and money, please reach out to us at  For additional information, please visit MarketTime's Payments website found here.