I have Stream Basic or Stream Lite and prefer to receive my migrating agency's orders in the MarketTime Platform...
By completing the form on this page, you are requesting to receive and process your migrating agency's orders directly in the MarketTime Platform.
  • If you currently have a Stream Lite subscription, you will receive a complimentary MarketTime Order Delivery Plus subscription. Any payment gateway setting present in your Stream Lite account (E.g., Stripe, etc.) will be mirrored in the MarketTime platform. To adjust your payment gateway to mtCharge, please click HERE and complete the form provided.
  • If you currently have a Stream Basic subscription or have been receiving orders from your migrating agency manually via email, you will receive a complimentary MarketTime Order Delivery Basic subscription and your mtCharge payment gateway will be mirrored in the MarketTime platform.
  • If you are using Hosted PCI, please consider mtCharge or and alternate connected payment gateway, as Hosted PCI will be sunset in the coming months. (exception international customers)

NOTE: if you are looking to upgrade your Stream Basic or Stream Lite subscription to Stream Standard and request to have your migrating agency's orders pushed to a new Stream Standard subscription, please reach out to the Sales Team by clicking HERE.

Please see the screenshots below to locate your "MarketTime ID". Note your MarketTime ('M' ID) must be YOUR MarketTime ID. Agencies are provided with an ID number for each of their Brands during migration.  This is not the same number as YOUR MarketTime ID/the one needed for this field.
Screenshot 2024-08-28 133544
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