Manage your wholesale payments and orders in one place (1600 × 400 px) (1)

FAQs for Brands (& Agencies)


Q: I've read some of the communications, but what is happening with payment methods?

A: MarketTime is simplifying payment processing by removing the bulk of available payment options in each Brand’s account. This includes options such as, ‘call for credit card,’ ‘use CC on file' – options that require manual paperwork, chasing payments, and which have a higher likelihood of cancellation.

Q: Why are you doing this?

A: When the credit card is captured at the time of order, or the retailer submits their banking information prior to shipping, you increase the likelihood of successful order processing and minimize cancellations. This streamlined approach helps ensure that more orders are successfully fulfilled, leading to improved customer satisfaction, paid commissions, and business growth.

Q: What is mtCharge?

A: mtCharge is MarketTime’s Payment Gateway and works the same as your existing 3rd Party Gateway, only better. With mtCharge, you can process Credit Card, ACH (digital check), and Net Terms orders as well as orders outside of Brandwise and MarketTime using the Ad-Hoc (on-demand) payment feature.

Q: What is the difference between mtCharge and my other payment gateway?

A: With mtCharge, you can process payments directly in your MarketTime or Brandwise platform for a flat rate of 3.5%. No manual retrieval of tokens or cumbersome processing methods.

Q: Can you only use mtCharge within the Brandwise and MarketTime platforms?

A: Nope, you can use it everywhere! Under the mtCharge umbrella, you are also able to process transactions outside of the Brandwise/MarketTime ecosystem. This is called an AdHoc Transaction.

Q: I have both MarketTime and Brandwise Agencies. Does mtCharge work the same in both?

A: Yes. The user interface is slightly different, but you can easily process credit cards or ACH (digital check) in both systems. 

Q: What happens if I turn off credit card payments in mtCharge?

A: You can deselect CC payment options, however, to receive other methods of payment, you will need to ensure that the ACH (digital check) features of mtCharge are enabled.

Taking Payments

Q: Can I go back and forth using my 3rd Party Gateway and mtCharge?

A: Technically, yes, but it would require a help ticket. Similar to when you added your current gateway, you would need to send a request to or to have them swap out the gateway on the backend so that payments flow securely to the right place.

Q: If I use mtCharge, do I have to allow Net Terms or ACH, or can I just take credit cards?

A: Net Terms and ACH (digital check) are options you can offer your customers but are by no means required. You are welcome to limit transactions to CC only or offer Net Terms and/or ACH options. Just be sure to indicate this in your payment settings.

Q: Can I process refunds and pre-authorizations with mtCharge?

A: Yes.

  • Refunds can be processed by finding the order in your mtCharge Order Dashboard (Report #10) and clicking on the refund button. Additional information can be found in the Support Center, here.
  • To enable pre-authorizations, please reach out to the Support Department at or

Q: How do I switch to mtCharge from my current 3rd Party Gateway?

A: Easy! Similar to when you had your current gateway added, you’ll need to send a request to, fill out a banking form, and have them change it to mtCharge on the backend. This way payments will flow securely to the right place.

Q: Is there a card reader for mtCharge like there is with Square?

A: Not currently, but we have it on the list to explore!

Q: Can I run my B2C sales through mtCharge too?

A: Yes! You can use it everywhere! Under the mtCharge umbrella, you are also able to process transactions outside of the Brandwise/MarketTime ecosystem. This is called an AdHoc (on-demand) Transaction.

Q: How do Net Terms with mtCharge work when there is a CC present?

A: One of the benefits of mtCharge is that you can still offer your customers NET Terms with the peace of mind of having payment already secured.

  • Make sure that NET Terms with mtCharge is checked in your payment dropdown; this will alert the reps that they can offer net terms but will still be prompted to collect a credit card at the time an order is placed.
  • When you process or ship the order, you will assign a future charge date and start the clock for Net30, Net45, etc. The customer’s card will then be charged on the date you selected.

Q: Does MarketTime take on the risk if the buyer doesn’t pay?

A: No. As with your current 3rd Party Gateway transactions, if the customer’s card fails, you will need to follow up with the customer to secure and process a new card. To assist in this effort, mtCharge allows you to send a request to your customer directly from your dashboard requesting an alternative method of payment

Q: Can multiple credit card numbers be stored for a customer?

A: Absolutely. The customer should indicate to you or the rep which credit card they’d like to use at the time of order, regardless of whether you are processing the transaction through mtCharge or a 3rd Party Gateway.

Q: The customer maxed out the credit card they provided at market; how do I change which credit card is assigned to an order?

A: Manufacturers within MarketTime or Stream can now initiate requests for alternative payment methods for mtCharge credit card transactions. Input the desired amount and click the "Request Payment Update" button. MarketTime/Brandwise will then automatically send an email to the Customer on your behalf, seeking an alternative payment method. This convenient feature eliminates the need to exit the MarketTime system when facing scenarios like a failed credit card transaction or any other situation requiring an alternative credit card payment method.

Q: With mtCharge, what do we need to do with the CVV?

A: A CVV must be entered to submit an order using mtCharge.

Q: Will my invoicing to customers change?

A: No. If you send your customers a separate invoice, you will continue with this process in the same manner as previously. The change would come when you processed the actual payment - which would be done in MarketTime or Stream. Note that we are actively working to bring automated invoice creation into MarketTime and expect to have that in place by the end of the year. Once this is in place, you could generate invoices and process payments from the same spot.

Q: Can I still accept checks?

A: With mtCharge you can accept ACH (digital check) instead of paper checks.

Q: How does ACH (digital check) with mtCharge work?

  • The order taker selects ACH with mtCharge.
  • The order is transmitted to you, the Manufacturer, with ACH as the payment choice.
  • At the same time, an online request is made of the Retailer to provide their banking information directly to Balance (our payment partner).
  • If no banking information can be collected, you can choose to wait or have the request resent to the Retailer. This will give them the option of paying by other means (one-time push payment, or paper check)
  • You ship the product and complete the order as usual.

Q: As a supplier, how quickly will I get paid using mtCharge?

A: 24-48 hours after a card is charged or ACH is processed. Note that ACH times vary depending on the customer's financial institution.

Updating Payment Terms

Q: Who will be editing the payment options for my company, and when?


  • (MarketTime customers) If you control your data, payment options can be updated by you. If one or more agencies control your data, they will need to make the changes on your behalf.
  • (Brandwise customers) Your agency will need to edit payment options on your behalf.
  • (Brandwise Reach customers) If you have a Reach 2.0 site, you will also need to adjust the payment options available in your Passport.


Q: What are the fees to use mtCharge?


  • Credit Card Transactions: mtCharge has an all-in credit card processing fee of 3.5% on successful transactions and no additional tokenization charge.
  • ACH (bank transfer/digital check) Transactions: If you use mtCharge to process ACH orders, there will be a 1.0% processing fee instead.
  • Net Terms Transactions: The fees would be the same way as a credit card or ACH transaction used for pay on ship.

Q: Do I need to pay a tokenization charge with mtCharge?

A: No. With mtCharge, you do not have additional tokenization fees.

Q: Do you have some kind of package deal where I can get Order Writing and mtCharge to use in my corporate showroom?

A: Please reach out to our Sales Team to discuss your options.

Available Reporting

Q: What kind of reports can I get if I use mtCharge?

A: By using mtCharge you are provided with a complimentary mtView account. Some example mtView reports include:

  • Supplier Executive Overview
  • YTD Comparison Overview
  • Rep & Cust YTD
  • Top Selling Items by Category
  • Sales Rep Activity
  • Customer Map
  • Inactive Customer Details
  • Sales by State

Q: What is mtView?

A: mtView is the advanced reporting and analytics tool created by MarketTime and powered by Tableau.

  • mtView accesses all your MarketTime and Brandwise data to bring you the information that you need to make informed business decisions.
  • In MarketTime, your Tableau reports populate through an iFrame directly into your dashboard.
  • With Brandwise, you will need to create a separate Tableau sign-in and access your information within Tableau.

Q: Do I have to pay for mtView?

A: mtView is available for mtCharge customers at no additional charge. If you would like to access the advanced reporting available through mtView and use a 3rd party gateway, please reach out to for pricing information.


Q: We have an integration and use a 3rd party gateway. Can we integrate with mtCharge? How would that work?

A: Please reach out to to discuss integration with your ERP.


Additional FAQs for Agencies


Q: A few of our customers won’t pay by credit card or ACH, they only pay by corporate check- ex: Pharmacies, Hospital Gift Shops. What do we do in this instance?

A: The ACH features of mtCharge include the ability to do a one-time push payment or pay by check for those customers who require an alternate method of payment. "See Special Instructions" may also be used as an option.

Q: What happens if a payment fails for one of my customers? 

A: The Salesperson on the order will now receive a separate email notifying them when a manufacturer has requested an alternative form of payment from the customer. The Agency will also be copied on the email. This enhancement ensures that both the Salesperson and the Agency have visibility into the manufacturer's request, enabling them to follow up with the customer if necessary.

Q: None of my key accounts pay by credit card or ACH. They use a wire transfer from their corporate office or pay by physical check. How are the agencies supposed to enter their orders?

A: The ACH features of mtCharge include the ability to do a one-time push payment or pay by check for those customers who require an alternate method of payment. "See Special Instructions" may also be used as an option.

Q: Can a rep change the terms for their customers from what appears in the dropdown?

A: No. Payment options can only be modified by the manufacturer or an agency administrator if they are managing the data.

Q: Will all manufacturers (brands/vendors) have their available payment options modified?

A: Yes. To simplify and streamline payment processing, we are removing the dozens of payment options that were previously available and moving forward with two:

  • Use of a 3rd Party Gateway 
  • Use of mtCharge to charge credit cards, take ACH payments, offer NET Terms, or process Ad Hoc transactions.