Agency Resources

The resources below are to help an Agency speak to the benefits of mtCharge and the streamlined payments process within MarketTime to their Brands and Sales Reps.

To request a list of your Brands and the gateways they are on, please reach out to the Payments Team at  Below is a tool to help decipher the data provided.

How to Read the Agency Spreadsheet_r1 (2)

Understanding mtCharge


See what it looks like as an Order Writer: MarketTime System


See what it looks like to Process ACH: MarketTime System


Helpful Tools & Resources:

Choosing a Payment Term (Sales Reps)

List of mtCharge Payment Terms

mtCharge Features & Benefits

Payment Processing & mtCharge FAQs

Choosing Terms for a mtCharge Brand
mtcharge terms
faqs (3)

Customer Email Preview

Emails Sent to the Customer from MarketTime:

Setting Up Brands with mtCharge

How to Change a Brand's Payment Terms:

Why Choose mtCharge

Streamlined Payment Options

mtCharge Rate Comparison

Why Brands Choose mtCharge

Streamlined Payment Processing- 8-29-24
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Why mtCharge_10-30-23