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Top Tips from MarketTime Mastery: Ask the Doc(k)

MarketTime, the largest provider of B2B omnichannel commerce solutions, hosts a Q&A webinar series called MarketTime Mastery: Ask the Doc(k). The webinars take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 11 am Central Time. These webinars provide an opportunity for MarketTime users to ask any MarketTime or industry-related questions.

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Meet Alexis Hubbard, Customer Success Tech & Brand Onboarding Expert

We are excited to announce that Alexis Hubbard has taken on the role of Vendor/Supplier Onboarding Expert in addition to her role as a Tier 2 Customer Success Technician for the Brandwise platform. Alexis joined MarketTime in January 2022 as a Tier 1 Customer Success Technician, working directly with customers on the front line to resolve any issues they experience and achieve success using Brandwise. This month we conducted an interview with Alexis in celebration of this highly requested new role and what it means for any new suppliers joining the Brandwise platform. 

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