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Sarah Harris

MarketTime’s Ultimate Pre-Show Checklist for Wholesale Trade Shows

MarketTime’s Ultimate Pre-Show Checklist for Wholesale Trade Shows

MarketTime has become a staple at the nation’s biggest wholesale trade shows. Our team loves attending these industry gatherings and showcasing order writing and our B2B e-commerce platform to prospective clients and leading brands. But our team also understands that prepping for a big show or wholesale market can be hectic.

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Meet MarketTime at These Wholesale Trade Shows

At MarketTime, we know that wholesale trade shows are the cornerstone of the B2B ecosystem, where wholesalers get to connect with their buyers. Attending these trade shows to meet clients and engage with potential customers energizes the MarketTime team because we are passionate about wholesale.

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Increase Reorders with a B2B eCommerce Platform

In the wholesale eCommerce world, connecting with new customers and helping them place their first order with your brand or agency is a wonderful experience. However, reorders, not one-off purchases, have the biggest impact on year-end revenue. With that in mind, you need to make it easy for retail buyers to place reorders by investing in a B2B omnichannel commerce platform. 

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Winter Wholesale Trade Shows Where You Can Find MarketTime

As the weather turns colder, many businesses are preparing to close the books in 2022. Despite this, there are still many trade show events worth attending this winter, where B2B sales professionals will gather together with retail buyers, brands, and other professionals to get a jump on 2023. As the nation’s premier provider of B2B wholesale business solutions, MarketTime will be present at many of these events.

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The Art of the Follow-Up

The Art of the Follow-Up

At MarketTime we believe salespeople are crucial to the wholesale industry and great salespeople know the value of following up. Following up is an important part of the B2B sales process because it allows salespeople to stay in touch with potential and current clients and is key to building strong relationships. When salespeople follow up with leads and clients they provide them with valuable information about new products, current and future product availability, and address any concerns they may have. 

MarketTime hosted a webinar about the art of follow-up, focusing on how B2B sales professionals follow up with new leads. We conducted surveys during the presentation, and MarketTime obtained some interesting insights. As we prepare for another upcoming wholesale show season, we invite you to learn more about some of the takeaways gathered from Salespeople, Sales Agency Admins, Sales Managers, and Suppliers that attended the webinar and utilize these tools as your follow-up post-shows. 

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Meet Dock Mackie, VP Solutions Engineer at MarketTime

This month, we conducted an interview with our own Dock Mackie, VP Solutions Engineer at MarketTime. We asked him questions regarding business, his background, and how he has and continues to help customers be successful with MarketTime over the past 10 years.  Dock was recognized as one of the honorees of the 40 Under 40 Gift + Stationery Class of 2022. If you enjoy Dock’s client-based spirit, then join us on our next MarketTime Mastery: Ask the Doc(k) with Dock Mackie, offered every first Wednesday at 11 am Central Time, to get any of your MarketTime or industry-related questions answered by one of our personal favorite industry experts.

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