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Sararose Krenger

3 Ways Brands Benefit From Salespeople and The Human Factor

MarketTime has hit the trifecta in building a B2B wholesale software that connects and nurtures the relationship between suppliers and retailers via salespeople. Other digital platforms have erased the middleman but what they have failed to recognize is just how valuable a sales representative relationship is to the brands looking to sell wholesale on their digital B2B eCommerce platform. 

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3 Reasons To Work With Salespeople In Today’s Digital B2B Wholesale + Ecommerce

The retail industry is ever-evolving and has been vastly influenced and directed by technology. B2B wholesale and B2B eCommerce has expanded with multiple platforms developed to connect retail buyers to brands. In today’s quick-moving digital retail world, it can be enticing to hop on a platform that takes out the middleman, aka the salesperson, and connects you directly with brands. While this may be beneficial for someone just starting out, as you grow and continue to refine and finesse your business, it's essential to recognize the key role salespeople play in that development. 

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