3 Reasons To Work With Salespeople In Today’s Digital B2B Wholesale + Ecommerce

The retail industry is ever-evolving and has been vastly influenced and directed by technology. B2B wholesale and B2B eCommerce has expanded with multiple platforms developed to connect retail buyers to brands. In today’s quick-moving digital retail world, it can be enticing to hop on a platform that takes out the middleman, aka the salesperson, and connects you directly with brands. While this may be beneficial for someone just starting out, as you grow and continue to refine and finesse your business, it's essential to recognize the key role salespeople play in that development.
The Human Factor has never been more vital in the success of modern retail. Your sales representative will be the eyes and ears, hands-on real-time data collection and analysis. They also work to establish long-standing relationships with brands that in turn save you time and money. MarketTime's hybrid omnichannel approach empowers salespeople to utilize technology for in-person selling and an integrated online B2B eCommerce shopping site. It also accounts for $5 billion in yearly wholesale transactions passing through the MarketTime ecosystem.
Let’s dive into why salespeople are so important and what they can offer you that you can’t do yourself.
The Human Factor. Experience. Salespeople are not only real people with on average over 10 years of experience in the retail industry, but they are also an extension of your business and the retailers they work with at no additional cost. They are an integral part of your business and are driven by your success. They help guide you through the buying process and determine the best product fit for your particular needs. Your salespeople will help to establish quality, and continuity, manage return purchases, and can offer suggestions by introducing new brands that directly align with your goals. When you are working without a salesperson, you are working alone. This leaves a lot of guesswork. Running a retail business requires vast amounts of time and energy, so why not wisely delegate trend researching and analysis, vendor communications, and B2B wholesale ordering to the experts?
Real-time data collection, analysis, and buying suggestions are available and at the forefront of your sales expert’s mind, through MarketTime's technology. Other digital marketplaces allow brands to select their “best sellers”. It leaves it up to the integrity of each brand to represent accurately. Most platforms lack actual data distribution to buyers and heavily promote those who pay the most to be featured and seen. Your salespeople are actively engaging, connecting, and communicating with retailers and brands and processing real-time data for your benefit. 60% of sales experts work with 20-60 brands and service anywhere from 100-300 customers. They are receiving feedback and can pass this information on to similar retailers. Trending data is critical for knowing what actually works for retailers each season.
Your sales rep is always working for you. 68% of sales experts in the MarkeTime ecosystem are writing 50% or more of their orders while on the road visiting customers. They keep you on track each season as order deadlines approach and communicate regularly to make sure that orders arrive on time. They work more efficiently and get familiar with your buying habits and can help manage inventory upkeep, time management, and wholesale order writing. There is a 71% reorder rate when working with a salesperson, versus 35% without a representative.
The Human Factor is alive and well and is at the center of thriving as a modern retailer on digital B2B eCommerce platforms. Salespeople are qualified, innovative representatives and will guide you in their expertise while helping build loyalty, and trust and bridging the gap between brands and retailers.
Ready to learn more?
Connect with MarketTime today to learn more about how MarketTime tools empower Salespeople to build better orders and focus more time nurturing relationships with their retail buyers, by booking your free demo of MarketTime today.