Meet Alexis Hubbard, Customer Success Tech & Brand Onboarding Expert

We are excited to announce that Alexis Hubbard has taken on the role of Vendor/Supplier Onboarding Expert in addition to her role as a Tier 2 Customer Success Technician for the Brandwise platform. Alexis joined MarketTime in January 2022 as a Tier 1 Customer Success Technician, working directly with customers on the front line to resolve any issues they experience and achieve success using Brandwise. This month we conducted an interview with Alexis in celebration of this highly requested new role and what it means for any new suppliers joining the Brandwise platform. 

Tell us a little about yourself and what led you to your role at MarketTime.

One day, when I was 7 years old, my mom came home from work and found me sitting on the floor with our family computer completely disassembled. My curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help myself and had to pry it open to see what was inside. She was appalled and livid, saying we had to buy a new computer because I "broke" it. I replied, "No, mommy, look! It's just like a puzzle!" and pieced it back together – the hard drive, the sound card, the power supply, everything. I booted the computer up, and it worked totally fine. My mom was blown away, confusing me because it seemed like common knowledge to me, but computers weren't heavily used household items back then. This experience helped me recognize my love for computers and all things technology. Fast forward 20-something years, I started work as an Endoscopy Technician, sterilizing surgical instruments and equipment for the operating room of a university hospital. This job was totally out of my skill set, but I enjoyed the challenge. But after three years, I was so worn out. While rewarding, it was physically demanding, and I still yearned to work with computers. So, when MarketTime presented an offer, I hopped on the opportunity as soon as possible! I am so grateful I finally found a tech support position, a great entryway into the software industry.

What is your role at MarketTime? What are your most important duties?

Most recently, besides being a Tier 2 Customer Success Tech, I've proudly taken on the role of the Vendor/Supplier Onboarding Expert. This position is exciting because I build relationships and trust with new suppliers unfamiliar with our platform. I walk them through all aspects of Passport, which helps bridge the communication gap between suppliers and agencies and alleviates the need to remember so many different login credentials. The goal is for new suppliers to get comfortable uploading images and catalogs in Content Management, processing orders in Stream, and uploading product files in Transit independently.

Could you share more about the new aspects of your role and how it affects new suppliers coming over to the platform?

Learning how to navigate your Passport can quickly become an information overload for new suppliers, which I understand entirely. So, it's my responsibility to help break everything down as much as possible. Ensuring that new suppliers don't get overwhelmed is my priority. This role requires much patience, which I thankfully have, and I encourage new suppliers to book additional appointments if they run into any roadblocks.

What is your favorite part about working at MarketTime?

I'm lucky that every day is a new, challenging adventure, and the people I work with are genuine and kind. My favorite part about working at MarketTime is that I get to solve mysteries, not necessarily like a detective would, but in a way where I can use research and deductive reasoning to come to solutions. The thrill of the investigation is so exciting to me! I’m so thankful this is a work environment where I can truly express myself.

Are there any other things that you think would be fun to include for our customers to get to know you better?

Outside work, I enjoy playing video games and hanging out with my Bull Terrier/Jack Russell mix, Lucy. I primarily play on my PC and Nintendo Switch – focusing on dungeon crawlers, strategy games, open-world RPGs, and Metroidvanias. My favorite game franchises are Diablo, The Witcher, Zelda, Mass Effect, Halo, and of course, Pokémon!

Need help getting started as a Supplier in Brandwise? 

Our Support Center is a perfect place to start! Get familiar with the steps to get started in this Supplier Quick Start Guide. If you need a little more assistance getting started, schedule time with Alexis.

Start Strong with MarketTime:

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Schedule a demo with MarketTime today and experience the power of our comprehensive platform!

We understand that starting off on the right foot is crucial to your success, which is why we offer a white-glove onboarding process to ensure a seamless transition to our platform. Our expert team will guide you every step of the way, from setup to implementation and beyond.

Don't settle for a mediocre onboarding experience that could potentially hinder your progress. Trust MarketTime to provide the support and resources you need to achieve your goals. Schedule a demo today and let us show you how we can help your business thrive!

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