The Future of B2B eCommerce: What is Omnichannel, and Why is it Important to my Business?

B2B eCommerce grew 1.17 times faster than the growth of manufacturing and sales in the United States, growing 17.8% between 2020 to 2021. Part of this is due to businesses, like MarketTime, that support the wholesale industry by offering solutions that enable Omnichannel marketing.
Digital marketplaces, such as MarketTime, support your business by pushing the boundaries of commercial relationships. MarketTime’s products support the evolution of best practices in an ever-changing industry.
As brick-and-mortar stores face a massive revolution with the advent of eCommerce, there is a great need to expand your business outreach.
At MarketTime, we are always looking forward and actively following business trends to provide the best lead generation services, B2B Order management, B2B Order writing, and building trust and relationships for the future.
We understand seamless sales relationship and business outreach is essential and best accomplished using Omnichannel marketing. We believe that omnichannel marketing is the future of B2B eCommerce! Watch our webinar recording to gain valuable insight into how we bring out the best in your business.
The Future of B2B eCommerce: Where is it Headed?
Digital marketplaces are platforms for all kinds of online business transactions. A typical example of B2B eCommerce is the type between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or a retailer.
According to a prediction by Forrester Research, the United States B2B eCommerce market will be double the size of the B2C market in the next five years. Online business transactions also experienced explosive transactions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to further demand for digital marketplaces.
B2B eCommerce is currently experiencing massive evolution because of the trend in online business transactions. For instance, online platforms like MarketTime make B2B sales flourish by facilitating B2B order management and B2B order writing. Wholesalers can efficiently use technology to sell no matter the location, including writing orders at a trade show. Research reveals that two-thirds of buyers now prefer remote human interactions, using technology such as Zoom, or digital self-service by shopping on a wholesale website.
The future of B2B eCommerce is where participants can build seamless interaction by channeling more energy to selling and building trust. Our app enables you to cultivate and nurture sales relationships geared toward adding value to your customers at MarketTime.
What Does Omnichannel Mean?
Omnichannel, in simple terms, means “all channels.” It represents your ability to sell online, physically, and through other outlets. In the past five years, the number of channels B2B customers use has doubled because suppliers can meet their teeming demands.
The rationale behind MarketTime’s omnichannel is to reduce human effort or friction during sales to enable the successful completion of a transaction (supplier-customer transaction). It allows you to collate your brand’s information and online presence while spreading the unified brand presence across several platforms and channels for business.
The various channels include but are not limited to websites, business apps, email, online stores, in-person sales, etc. MarketTime’s omnichannel runs on data synchronicity, where a single data entry is sufficient for you to run all B2B transactions.
With omnichannel, you can sell anytime to anyone and anywhere while offering a pleasurable user/customer experience. The omnichannel approach gives you a personalized sales experience, where you receive orders through an integrated platform. Proper data management with omnichannel unifies your business and customer information to enable you to make better business decisions and monitor your growth.
Why Should You Join the B2B eCommerce Moving Train?
As a manufacturer or wholesaler, knowing the direction of B2B eCommerce is not enough to spur you to action. You can only benefit from the digital market revolution by setting up your B2B wholesale website.
Here is what you stand a chance of gaining with B2B eCommerce and why you should join the moving train on MarketTime’s digital marketplace.
- Create speed and convenience for your customers through your branded B2B eCommerce website.
- We boost B2B Order writing, B2B Order management, and B2B wholesale through omnichannel marketing.
- Expand your business outreach capacity through a robust online presence through our showcase with customer-friendly targeted shoppable emails.
- Create an elaborate display of your product using our shoppable catalogs.
- Gain a better understanding of your customers through MarketTime’s cloud-based data and information synchronicity.
Why is Omnichannel Important to Your Business?
Omnichannel marketing is a business strategy that is important for your business to boost your brand visibility across all channels and platforms. The idea is to magnify your brand’s visibility toward creating a consistent online or offline presence.
Your customers do not have to search for your brand because it is everywhere and all around them. Digital marketplaces only give you the leverage to push your brand online and expand your business outreach.
Some people might ask, “if omnichannel aims to expand my brand visibility, why don’t I use advertising?”
Although advertising pushes your brand out there, one critical business feature for successful eCommerce is consistency, and that is what omnichannel marketing does for your business to make more impact. If your brand or business is easily identifiable, it becomes easy for your customers to recognize and affords you more customer loyalty.
Your customers can easily interact with your brand across different platforms and devices. It is akin to selling the same business product with the same message and concept—Talk about consistency!
Omnichannel marketing enables you to take a customer-centric approach toward B2B sales and B2B eCommerce because you make shopping easy for them. Here are a few critical elements you should offer customers through implementing omnichannel marketing. They include but are not limited to:
- An identifiable brand with a consistent tone and business approach
- Personalized customer experience and B2B order management.
- Customer Friendly and targeted emails and messages
- Excellent customer relationship based on a clear understanding of the buyer’s journey
Benefits of Omnichannel
The omnichannel marketing approach highlights customer experience and provides enormous benefits for businesses. Here are a few benefits your business gains when engaging in omnichannel marketing.
- A robust sales and customer retention
- Better shopping experiences for customers
- Personalized customer experience
- Significant lead generation and conversation for your business.
MarketTime’s omnichannel strategy employs its cloud-based platform to unify your brand and business information perfectly. It synchronizes your data across all platforms and devices to meet and beat customer demand, especially in the modern age of digital marketing and eCommerce.
Several reputable B2B sales agencies, brands, and manufacturers utilize omnichannel marketing to amplify their B2B eCommerce and B2B sales goals across digital marketplaces.
However, you need to engage powerful B2B Order writing to create good customer analytics, engagement, and data, all of which you get by setting up your B2B wholesale website on MarketTime.
Our Customer Success team is easily accessible and available to provide first-hand assistance and guidance while you watch your business grow and expand.
Need more details? Book a demo now to learn more!