Best Practices to Drive Traffic to Your B2B Site

As a B2B wholesale merchant, generating traffic to your website is paramount. You’re not alone on this — without website traffic, it can be hard to do business in the modern age. However, determining the best sources of traffic for your website can be challenging; after all, there are endless channels that you can use for marketing.

Whether you’re using paid ads on Facebook, leveraging your organic presence on Google, or adding a blog to your omnichannel marketing strategy, with the right approach, you can attract new clients and build new leads online. 

In this guide, we’re going to discuss our best practices to drive traffic to your B2B site. 

Start with the Right Foundation

Before you start creating a marketing strategy for your B2B website, it’s important to know where you stand. 

It’s vital to collect data before trying to attract new traffic. One of the first things you should do when creating an SEO plan for your company is to set up a Google Analytics account and Google Search Console

Optimizing your site is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s important to monitor search engine traffic and make adjustments as necessary. Once you have reviewed your analytics, you can start formulating a strategy to attract more traffic to your B2B site.

Consider Your Advertising Options

If you’re new to online sales, the number of advertising options available can feel overwhelming. 

While there are hundreds of ways you can advertise, you should be looking at the tried and tested methods B2B eCommerce merchants have been using for the past decade — like PPC ads on Google or optimizing for local searches, for example. 

Give careful consideration to the advertising platforms you choose for your business. Some options may offer more benefits to your brand, depending on your niche and your budget. 

Use Social Media to Promote Your B2B Wholesale Website

The value of social media as a way to reach your potential customers cannot be overstated. While every social network offers its own unique benefits, they all have one thing in common — they are a great way to promote your company, as well as your products and services. 

The idea behind social media marketing is to expand your reach to potential leads by posting relevant content. Most social media platforms offer advertising, but your strategy for attracting organic reach can have a positive impact on your traffic well beyond your paid advertising reach.  

Start using your social media channels to promote your B2B site, following a strategy that suits your niche. We recommend creating a content calendar that helps you structure and schedule your posts across a variety of platforms.

How to Succeed on Social Media and Improve B2B Sales

Social media platforms are arguably the best way to promote your business online today. But without the right strategy, it can be hard to succeed, especially with the sheer volume of content published to websites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok on a daily basis. 

You can determine which social media websites will offer the most impact on your B2B sales through a study of your analytics. We recommend focusing on one platform if you are starting a fresh social media presence for your brand, adding new platforms as you establish an audience. 

The key with social media is to engage with your target audience and create content that is relevant to their interests, questions, and needs. Consistency is the cornerstone of social media success — posting valuable content on schedule is an excellent way to start attracting traffic online. 

Optimize Your Site for Sales

The first step in improving your site for sales is to know your audience. Who visits your online store? What do they want? What do they buy? The more you know about your customers, the easier it will be to tailor your online store to their needs and desires. 

Your website should be easy to navigate and your unique value proposition should be clear. Make your “shop” buttons clear, and use effective calls-to-action.

If you’re offering sales or discounts, let your site visitors know with banners and lightboxes. Make it easy for visitors to register for an account and submit forms. 

Advertise your most popular products and make it easy for customers to search for the products they’re interested in. With endless competition for sales online, even the simplest optimizations can improve your conversion rate and attract new customers. 

Start an Email Campaign

Email marketing may seem outdated in a social media era, but it’s actually one of the most effective marketing channels around. It’s free to use and offers the highest return on investment of any marketing tactic—typically earning $40 for every $1 spent. Best of all, it’s easy to implement and completely customizable.

Your sales emails should have a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages recipients to visit your site or make a purchase. Depending on the nature of your business, this may be a welcome message, a discount code, or even an invitation to participate in an event. 

Include information that may influence your audience’s purchasing decisions, and let them know when your store has limited-time sales or new products they might be interested in. 

Lastly, make sure that your emails are clear and easy to read — choose fonts that are clear and simple, with good contrast between text and background colors.

Use Tracking Software and Lead Forms

Generating traffic on your website is a great start, but converting your omnichannel traffic into leads is the most important goal. 

Install lead forms on your site so visitors can leave their details, allowing you to create an email list to reach out regularly to those who sign up.

Use tracking software to measure the effectiveness of the emails and outreach campaigns you create with your lead forms. This approach will help you determine which sources and strategies provide the best leads to generate revenue for your business.

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