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The Human Element

3 Ways Brands Benefit From Salespeople and The Human Factor

MarketTime has hit the trifecta in building a B2B wholesale software that connects and nurtures the relationship between suppliers and retailers via salespeople. Other digital platforms have erased the middleman but what they have failed to recognize is just how valuable a sales representative relationship is to the brands looking to sell wholesale on their digital B2B eCommerce platform. 

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The Art of the Follow-Up

The Art of the Follow-Up

At MarketTime we believe salespeople are crucial to the wholesale industry and great salespeople know the value of following up. Following up is an important part of the B2B sales process because it allows salespeople to stay in touch with potential and current clients and is key to building strong relationships. When salespeople follow up with leads and clients they provide them with valuable information about new products, current and future product availability, and address any concerns they may have. 

MarketTime hosted a webinar about the art of follow-up, focusing on how B2B sales professionals follow up with new leads. We conducted surveys during the presentation, and MarketTime obtained some interesting insights. As we prepare for another upcoming wholesale show season, we invite you to learn more about some of the takeaways gathered from Salespeople, Sales Agency Admins, Sales Managers, and Suppliers that attended the webinar and utilize these tools as your follow-up post-shows. 

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Meet Dock Mackie, VP Solutions Engineer at MarketTime

This month, we conducted an interview with our own Dock Mackie, VP Solutions Engineer at MarketTime. We asked him questions regarding business, his background, and how he has and continues to help customers be successful with MarketTime over the past 10 years.  Dock was recognized as one of the honorees of the 40 Under 40 Gift + Stationery Class of 2022. If you enjoy Dock’s client-based spirit, then join us on our next MarketTime Mastery: Ask the Doc(k) with Dock Mackie, offered every first Wednesday at 11 am Central Time, to get any of your MarketTime or industry-related questions answered by one of our personal favorite industry experts.

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3 Reasons To Work With Salespeople In Today’s Digital B2B Wholesale + Ecommerce

The retail industry is ever-evolving and has been vastly influenced and directed by technology. B2B wholesale and B2B eCommerce has expanded with multiple platforms developed to connect retail buyers to brands. In today’s quick-moving digital retail world, it can be enticing to hop on a platform that takes out the middleman, aka the salesperson, and connects you directly with brands. While this may be beneficial for someone just starting out, as you grow and continue to refine and finesse your business, it's essential to recognize the key role salespeople play in that development. 

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A Day in the Life of a Sales Rep with Elizabeth McElhatten

In the wholesale industry, a Sales Representative serves as a vital link between Brands, Sales Agencies, and Retailers. They are responsible for developing and maintaining those critical relationships, from prospecting to sales to reordering. A Sales Rep career can be rewarding, exhilarating, and on some days exhausting. Elizabeth McElhatten, a Sales Representative at The Portico Collection, told us all about a day in her life as a Salesperson during a recent interview.

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The Human Factor — Exploring the Essential Role of the Salesperson

Online and self-service options are becoming more commonplace when it comes to selling products and building relationships between buyers and their suppliers. This is as true in the B2B wholesale space as it is in retail.  Against this backdrop, some suppliers are focusing their wholesale efforts on buyer self-service channels and questioning the role of salespeople.

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What Is the Buyer's Journey and Why Does It Matter?

In an ideal world, customers would simply land on your website and begin making purchases instantaneously. Realistically, the buyer will journey a long way to find you and then take additional time before feeling comfortable enough to purchase your goods or services. Therefore, understanding the various stages of a buyer's journey is extremely beneficial.

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